Understand light therapy and all of its benefits.

Optimal Design

The STYLPRO™ Wavelength was developed with the classic STYLPRO ethos, to design the best solution at the best possible price. Our LED mask has been tailored to provide maximum results and best-in-class build quality, while keeping the cost low and providing the consumers with a reasonably priced premium product. Our engineers have poured over every last detail to make this mask more comfortable, more effective, and in-line with premium light therapy treatment devices normally reserved for dermatologist and high-end spas.

Your Image

LED stands for Light Emitting Diode and is the same technology that lights much of the world around us. LEDs produce light very efficiently when electricity is applied to them, but not all LEDs are the same. Our LED mask contains custom LEDs designed to meet the precise requirements to be in-line with premium medical and high-end spa LED therapy equipment. Our mask is among the few LED masks that meet these stringent requirements of wavelength, peak tolerance, and peak half-width tolerance. In fact, the STYLPRO™ Wavelength surpasses leading medical LED therapy devices with its precise emission tolerances ranging from 0.75nm to 1.58nm, compared to the +/- 2nm of leading medical devices.

Our mask contains a large number of these LEDs in order to provide a high amount of energy, higher than almost all competitor masks. Its high number of LEDs also allows for maximum coverage of the face, whereas most competitor mask provide very uneven illumination of the face leading to high variability of energy dosage experienced by the skin.

The STYLPRO™ Wavelength has 3 colours of LEDs: blue (425nm), red (633nm), near-infrared (830nm), and pink (all 3 wavelengths), as these are the best supported wavelengths to provide proven effects. Note that other colours such as yellow and green have limited to no good evidence supporting there effectiveness and at best provide inferior results and at worst are completely ineffective.

Many LED masks advertise the quantity of LEDs, this number is extremely important; however, the number of LEDs per wavelength is what is actually relevant. If the mask contains 5 colours, then having many LEDs is less relevant since 1 LED is needed per colour. The STYLPRO™ Wavelength contains 120 LED chips all with 3 LEDs inside totalling 360 LEDs. This means that there are 120 locations where light is produced on the STYLPRO™ Wavelength making for good coverage of the entire face. Mask with low numbers of LED chips, such as many of the most popular LED masks, have very few LED chips (50-100) and therefore do not evenly cover the face with light. Some mask counteract this with light scattering technologies; however, where the LED mask touches the skin, these technologies and not very effective.

LED Performance
Light Therapy Safety

Light therapy has been demonstrating significant benefits to improving skin wrinkles, acne, and overall skin health for decades. These finding were first alluded to back in 1971 where a scientist tried to test if high doses of red light was harmful to skin, but found that the opposite was true, and that red light showed real promise for improving skin health [1]. Fast forward a few decades to the early 2000’s and red and near-infrared light were being implemented in medical-grade equipment and clinically proving that they could improve the texture, wrinkles, and photoaging of skin. Back in 2005, a large medical-grade device was tested with doses of up to 126J/cm2 and was demonstrated safe and effective results in improving the facial complexion [2]. Comparing this to our STYLPRO™ Wavelength LED Mask, these ultra-high power panels provided 4x higher maximum fluence and up to 2x the peak intensity compared with our mask.

Light therapy safety

Although the STYLPRO™ Wavelength outperforms almost all at-home light therapy devices currently on the market, it is still an at-home device and is much less powerful and much safer than the best in-class machines seen in high-end spas and dermatologists. The gold standard for LED therapy is the Dermalux Tri-Wave MD and it is about as strong as it gets with a maximum combined fluence of 200 J/cm2. At a maximum fluence of 77 J/cm2, our experts are confident that the STYLPRO™ Wavelength is safe to for every-day, at-home use.

Understanding Light Therapy

Light therapy is a well establish technology and has been used for medical and therapeutic use for quite some time. White light, 415nm (a shade of blue), 633nm (a shade of red), 830nm (a shade of near-infrared light), and many more spectra have all demonstrated great therapeutic benefits. Specifically, 415nm, 633nm and 830nm have all been shown to be stand-out wavelengths for improving facial complexions.

Understanding light therapy

Light therapy has been rigorously studied and some wavelengths, such as those mentions, have been clinically proven to give benefits when given in sufficient dosages. The energy is always measured in mW/cm2 and the fluence (energy dosage) is measured in J/cm². It is crucial to understand that the effectiveness of light therapy is contingent upon the dosage, distribution, and quality of the light source. Most commercially available LED masks offer an extremely low dosage compared to professional, spa-level, or clinical devices, which can affect their therapeutic efficacy. Many of these market leading devices are based upon 10-15 year old designs and are limiting themselves to cost effective solutions. Often, these commercially available LED masks utilise off-the-shelf LEDs that provide sub-optimal wavelengths of light, and some of those with the correct wavelengths have insufficient tolerances of both the peak wavelengths and broadness of the wavelengths, meaning that they could be providing sub-optimal performance irrespective of the dosage. Others are providing high quality wavelengths, but are using low-power LEDs and are only barely giving an efficacious dose of light. The STYLPRO™ Wavelength provides on average 2-3x the dose compared to its much more expensive competitors while maintaining ideal wavelengths and good light distribution.

At a basic level, to understand why these different wavelengths provide different benefits, we have to understand how these wavelengths interact with the skin. As light passes through the skin, it is absorbed more and more as it penetrates deeper. Blue light is penetrating up to around 0.25mm into the skin meaning that it can only target the surface layers of the skin where bacteria live. Red light penetrates around 1-3mm into the skin allowing it to target the layers of the skin with cologne. Near-infrared light penetrates even deeper to a depth of 2-5mm, this allows it to target deep into the skin where it can aid in healing and inflammation reduction. This is why, when shining a white light through your hand, your hand glows red. While most of the light is absorbed in your hand, the small amount of light that makes it through is a deep red colour, the highest wavelength that the human eye can see.

Blue Light Therapy

Blue Light Therapy has been shown to help treat acne, particularly 415nm blue light. The wavelength of 415nm has been clinically proven to improve acne and kill acne causing bacteria. Blue light effects the bacteria by creating reactive oxygen species inside the bacteria on the surface of the skin which causes oxidative stress ultimately killing the bacteria [3]. One trial in 2000 tested 107 participants and found that 415nm blue light as well as combined red & blue light significantly improved inflammatory lesion, white heads, and black heads and was comparable or better than 5% benzoyl peroxide, one of the most common acne treatments [4]. Similar results were found in [5], where patients saw a significant reduction of whiteheads and blackheads after only 7 days of use with even better results after 28 days.

Blue light therapy

Blue light has also been known to reduce inflammation and combined with near-infrared light which can also boost circulation. One study was shown to reduce pore size and increase skin radiance in 90% of patients, smooth patients skin, and dramatically accelerate post-surgery healing and reduce post-surgery pain [6]. It was demonstrated that combining blue and red light could also benefit acne [7] [8] due to the increased wound healing ability of red light. The STYLPRO™ Wavelength “Target” mode was designed to be used with acne prone skin base based on the research supported benefits of blue and near-infrared light whereas the “Balance” mode was designed to be used for overall healthy skin with no major issue. This is because Red can have both a positive or a negative effect on Acne depending on the severity and the cause; as advised by our clinical professional. This is why users should speak with a dermatologist when actively attempting to treat moderate-severe acne since a dermatologist can recommend how to leverage LED therapy to get the best results and how to assess what wavelengths would work best.

Note that the STYLPRO™ Wavelength is a non-medical device and is not to be used to treat skin conditions and should only be used if skin conditions are present when advised by a dermatologist.

Red Light Therapy

Red Light Therapy has been shown to have multiple benefits such as increasing collagen production, improving skin texture, wrinkle reduction, reduced hyperpigmentation, and many more benefits. Red light is often paired with near-infrared light [9] [2] to leverage the complimentary effects of the near-infrared light and the different penetration depths of the different wavelengths. Red light has demonstrated improved fibroblast activity and collogen density in 128 people using dosages of 8.5 – 9.6 J/cm2 [10]. These patients saw improved skin complexion, skin feeling, and collagen intensity from the treatments and continued to see beneficial results even past 60 days of use. One study [11] looked for subjective photoaging, wrinkles, and pigmentation benefits of low-dose 590nm red light and found >75% improvement after 1 month with 60% of people seeing a >25% improvement after just 1 week.

Red light therapy

On top of significant improvements in skin smoothness and wrinkle reduction, combined red (633nm) and near-infrared (830nm) light [2] was able to improve photoaging, helping to reduce damage induced by UV from the sun. This combination of 633nm and 830nm was tested against the individual wavelengths on their own in [9] and it was shown that results were varied with 633nm having the largest impact of skin pigmentation, 830nm improving skin elasticity the most, and the combined wavelengths achieving the best results for wrinkle reduction; however, other research has demonstrated slightly differing results, but a constant is that both red light and combined red and near-infrared light is extremely beneficial for producing anti-ageing effects in the skin. The STYLPRO™ Wavelength uses a combined 633nm and 830nm red / near-infrared combined light to achieve be best in line with the research we have conducted and the best-in-class medical-grade devices.

Note that the STYLPRO™ Wavelength is a non-medical device and is not to be used to treat skin conditions and should only be used if skin conditions are present when advised by a dermatologist.

Near-Infrared Light Therapy

Near-infrared Light Therapy has been repeatedly shown to assist in healing wounds. This technology has been used in a clinical settings for decades and leverages the ability for near-infrared light to penetrate deep into the skin, with 830nm specifically penetrating the deepest [21]. Near-infrared light and red light have both been shown to be beneficial for wound healing by increasing mast cell count and degranulation [12]. This means that the light results in the body accelerating all stages of the healing process with reduced inflammation and by regulating the immune response and fibroblast growth of a wound [13]. This review evaluated 48 studies on animals and in vitro and it was clear that light therapy, predominantly those in the red to near-infrared wavelengths, were well established to promote

Near-infrared light therapy

wound healing by mechanisms such as reducing inflammation and increasing tissue regeneration [14]. The STYLPRO™ Wavelength “Recovery” mode was designed as a therapeutic mode with a substantial amount of near-infrared light with a small amount of red light. The specific wavelength of near-infrared light is important to obtain beneficial results. The wavelengths 810-830nm, 830nm in the case of the STYLPRO™ Wavelength, leverages characteristics of the skin and penetrates the deepest. The intensity of near-infrared has also been shown to be important where there is a sweet-spot for beneficial effects, this sweet-spot is around the intensity that is given off by the sun, 30-35 mW/cm2. The STYLPRO™ Wavelength uses varying intensities of near-infrared light depending on the mode and are all are within +/- 60% of this solar intensity [15].

Note that the STYLPRO™ Wavelength is a non-medical device and is not to be used to treat wounds or skin conditions and should only be used if skin conditions or wounds are present when advised by a dermatologist.

Other Light Therapy

As of June 2024, there is insubstantial evidence to suggest that any other spectrum of light provides significant benefits to the skin that is comparable to red, blue, and near-infrared light. The light wavelengths of 415nm (blue), 633nm (red), and 830nm(near-infrared) are all clinically proven to provide significant benefits to the skin for acne, anti-aging, and anti-inflammatory, respectively. This is not to say that other spectrums likely do not provide any benefits, but rather suggests that these three colours provide some of the most significant benefits with these wavelengths likely being superior to the most the in terms of the specified benefits based on a substantial body of research.

Effective Wavelengths


[1] E. Mester MD, T. Spiry MD, B. Szende MD and J. G. Tota Dipl lng, “Effect of laser rays on wound healing,” The American Journal of Surgery, vol. 122, no. 4, pp. 532-535, 1971.

[2] B. A. Russell, N. Kellett and L. R. Reilly, “A study to determine the efficacy of combination LED light therapy (633 nm and 830 nm) in facial skin rejuvenation,” Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy, vol. 7, p. 196–200, 2005.

[3] R. Lubart, A. Lipovski, Y. Nitzan and H. Friedmann, “A possible mechanism for the bacterial effect of visible light,” Laser therapy, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 17-22, 2011.

[4] P. Papageorgiou, A. Katsambas and A. Chu, “Phototherapy with blue (415 nm) and red (660 nm) light in the treatment of acne vulgaris,” British Journal of Dermatology, vol. 142, pp. 973-978, 2000.

[5] M. H. Gold, A. Andriessen, J. Biron and H. Andriessen, “Clinical Efficacy of Self-applied Blue Light Therapy for Mild-to-Moderate Facial Acne,” The Journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology, vol. 2, no. 3, p. 44, 2009.

[6] G. Lask, N. Fournier, M. Trelles, M. Elman, M. Scheflan, M. Slatkine, J. Naimark and Y. Harth, “The utilization of nonthermal blue (405–425 nm) and near infrared (850–890 nm) light in aesthetic dermatology and surgery—a multicenter study,” Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy, vol. 7, no. 3-4, pp. 163-170, 2005.

[7] S. Y. Lee, C. E. You and M. Y. Park, “Blue and red light combination LED phototherapy for acne vulgaris in patients with skin phototype IV,” Lasers Surg Med, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 180-8, 2007.

[8] D. J. Goldberg and B. A. Russell, “Combination blue (415 nm) and red (633 nm) LED phototherapy in the treatment of mild to severe acne vulgaris,” Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy, vol. 8, p. 71–75, 2006.

[9] S. Y. Lee, K.-H. Park, J.-W. Choi, J.-K. Kwon, D. R. Lee, M. S. Shin, J. S. Lee, C. E. You and M. Y. Park, “A prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded, and split-face clinical study on LED phototherapy for skin rejuvenation: clinical, profilometric, histologic, ultrastructural, and biochemical evaluations and comparison of three different...,” Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, vol. 88, no. 1, pp. 51-67, 2007.

[10] A. Wunsch and K. Matuschka, “A Controlled Trial to Determine the Efficacy of Red and Near-Infrared Light Treatment in Patient Satisfaction, Reduction of Fine Lines, Wrinkles, Skin Roughness, and Intradermal Collagen Density Increase,” Photomedicine and Laser Surgery, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 93-100, 2014.

[11] R. A. Weiss, D. H. McDaniel, R. G. Geronemus and M. A. Weiss, “Clinical Trial of a Novel Non-Thermal LED Array for Reversal of Photoaging: Clinical, Histologic, and Surface Profilometric Results,” Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, vol. 36, pp. 85-91, 2005.

[12] S. O. El Sayed and M. Dyson, “Comparison of the effect of multi-wavelength light produced by a cluster of semiconductor diodes and of each individual diode on mast cell number and degranulation in intact and injured skin,” Lasers Surg Med, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 559-68, 1990.

[13] G. R. Calderhead, J. Kubota, M. A. Trelles and T. Ohshiro, “One mechanism behind LED phototherapy for wound healing and skin rejuvenation: Key role of the mast cell,” Laser Therapy, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 141-148, 2008.

[14] M. E. A. Chaves, A. R. Araújo, A. C. C. Piancastelli and M. Pinotti, “Effects of low-power light therapy on wound healing: LASER x LED”.

[15] D. Barolet, “Near-Infrared Light and Skin: Why Intensity Matters,” Challenges in Sun Protection, vol. 55, pp. 374-384, 2021.

[16] T. Walski, K. Dąbrowska, A. Drohomirecka, N. Jędruchniewicz, N. Trochanowska-Pauk, W. Witkiewicz and M. Komorowska, “The effect of red-to-near-infrared (R/NIR) irradiation on inflammatory processes,” International Journal of Radiation Biology, vol. 95, no. 9, pp. 1326-1336, 2019.

[17] D. Barolet, F. Christiaens and M. R. Hamblin, “Infrared and skin: Friend or foe,” Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, vol. 155, pp. 78-85, 2016.

[18] G. Ablon, “Phototherapy with Light Emitting Diodes: Treating a Broad Range of Medical and Aesthetic Conditions in Dermatology,” The Journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 21-27, 2018.

[19] W. S. Kim and R. G. Calderhead, “Is light-emitting diode phototherapy (LED-LLLT) really effective?,” Laser therapy, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 205-215, 2011.

[20] M. Ulrich, U. Reinhold, R. Dominicus, R. Aschoff, R. M. Szeimies and T. Dirschka, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, vol. 85, no. 6, pp. 1510-1519, 2021.

[21] B. A. Russell, N. Kellett and L. R. Reilly, “A study to determine the efficacy of combination LED light therapy (633 nm and 830 nm) in facial skin rejuvenation,” Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy, vol. 7, pp. 196-200, 2005.

[22] R. A. Weiss, D. H. McDaniel, R. G. Geronemus, M. A. Weiss, K. L. Beasley, G. M. Munavalli and S. G. Bellew, “Clinical experience with light-emitting diode (LED) photomodulation,” Dermatologic surgery, vol. 31, pp. 1199-1205, 2005.